It is the never ending dilemma for the local farmer, how do you get your product to the public.
The industrial food industry has very intense and finely tuned systems to ensure agri-goods and food product make it to consumer cupboards for as cheaply as possible. The small and medium size farmer who chooses to focus on the local market has no such luxury. Their mode of distribution often consists of a freezer or two in the back of a truck or trailer with a dedicated family member behind the wheel.
Farmers try everything from deliveries to pick-up sites to Farmers’ Markets to farm gate sales. The fairly recent birth of good food distributors (ie. Organic Food Box, and Spud) have also given producers one more avenue, if they can make the arrangement work.
In an effort to reduce enivironmental impact and make use of the structures already in place, Farmer Del Organics has chosen to focus it’s supply chain on businesses that already exist. This is why we have partnered with Prairie Meats in St.Albert. They have been serving the community directly for long enough they know how to do it right. So when it comes to meats we are taking advantage of their expertise to give consumers a convenient source for our fabulous meats. Coming by October 23, 2017 Prairie Meats will be stocking both fresh individual cuts and frozen packs of Farmer Del’s Organic beef.
However, we like face time as much as anybody so watch this summer at a Farmer’s Market near you. You might just spot Farmer Del.
Location: St Albert, AB | Phone: (780) 213-2053 | Email: